

Why sponsorship?
The term 'sponsorship' means the position of being a sponsor.
Synonyms: backing, support, promotion, patronage, subsidy, funding, financing, aid, financial assistance.

In other words, I will be accepting remuneration in terms of money or products in return for my service. In this case, my blog write-up, social media postings and appearance in attending events, launches, etc.

Why must we pay you to write? Aren't all bloggers supposed to write for free?
Why free? My computer at home is not free, my electricity I am using at home is not free, the photo editing skill and writing skill I possessed are not free.

If I attend your event, my petrol is not free, my parking fee is not free, my car maintenance is not free and the most critical is that I take leave from my company to attend your event—that's not free as well.

Why should we engage bloggers?
The author of the famous quotation that “opinions are the cheapest commodities in the world” is unknown. Whoever it was could not have imagined the market now available through the internet and blogs for the commodity of opinion and the potential use of opinions as a vehicle for advertising.

Blog visitors are much more likely to be young adults. Among Generation X born since the late 1960s, 58% visit a blog at least once daily. This fact has proven that no one has the time, money, or effort to read a paper anymore unless they are retired or utilizing the toilet. So digital is the way to go.

So what do we get if we sponsor you to blog?
You will get at least 200-400 words of quality content with nicely edited photos. When the post is published, it will be posted on my social media platforms, such as X and Facebook. For an Instagram post, there will be an additional fee.

Rest assured, your article will remain on Google search as long as this blog exists.

How do I contact you if we are interested in sponsoring you?
You can email me at clevermunkey@hotmail.com, and I will reply with a quotation on this matter.
