Nowadays in our daily life, any cultures are bribe cultures from the bottom to the top. People in those cultures often dislike the practice, but recognize it as a part of life, plain and simple (whether or not they partake). Should a we as a Malaysian citizen ever give a bribe? Learn about the culture and how people see bribes. Some countries give "tips" with no more sense of guilt than we give tips to waitresses. Ask locals about this! Ask the opinions of your dad or mum, or highly respected people around you like a lawyer or CEO of a big company. Learn how people in your culture ask for bribes. For example, in my country they offer you a "coffee" if they want something done. Sometimes the "coffee" is a lot more expensive than Starbucks!
Trust me!
So this was happening on last Sunday, 7th February 2010 in Klang Botanic Garden;
(Dialogue BOLDED in Bahasa Malaysia with English translation)
Pada suatu pagi yang segar dan ceria, saya dan ahli kumpulan saya sedang menunggu pelanggan kami untuk membuat satu pengambaran video pendek untuk majlis perkahwinan mereka yang akan datang...
On a very refreshing and cheerful morning, my team and I was waiting for a client to do a short video shooting for their coming wedding ceremony....
Tiba-tiba 3 orang Polis Bantuan, 2 orang anggota RELA dan 2 orang Pertahan Awam muncul dengan bermotosikal di hadapan kami.
Suddenly 3 Auxiliary Policemen, 2 members of RELA and 2 members of Civil Defence came approach us with their motorcycles.
Thomas, salah seorang anggota RELA mula menujukan beberapa soalan kepada kami;
Thomas, he was one of the RELA members starts asking us questions;
Thomas: Buat aper kat sini? (Kami masa tu sedang duduk kat kaki lima tepi jalan dekat kereta kami)
Thomas: What are you guys doing here? (We were sitting on the sidewalk at that time near our car)
Dedek: Tengah tunggu client nak buat shooting video kahwin.
Dedek: We are waiting for our client to do a wedding video shooting.
Thomas: Video kahwin?
Thomas: Wedding video?
Dedek: Ya, video kahwin shooting kat taman ni.
Dedek: Yes, wedding video we shooting at this garden.
Thomas: Minta IC...
Thomas: IC please...
Selepas kami memberikan kad pengenalan kami, Thomas bertanya lagi;
After handling them our identification card, Thomas ask more questions;
Thomas: Dari Selayang? Jauhnya ambil video, canggih ke taman ni? Dekat Selayang takder ke taman?
Thomas: From Selayang? So far away just to take video, is this garden so high tech? Is there no garden in Selayang?
Dedek: Kami sebenarnya buat shooting based on client, lagipun client kami tinggal dekat sini, Andalas...
Dedek: We actually do our shooting based on client's demand, plus our client stay nearby, it's in Andalas...
Salah seorang anggota RELA merekodkan butir-butir kad pengenalan kami lalu Thomas pun meminta lesen memandu Dedek.
One of the RELA member record down our IC details while Thomas ask for Dedek's driving license.
Thomas: Ini kereta encik?
Thomas: Sir, is this your car?
Dedek: Ya, nak tengok bonet belakang kereta?
Dedek: Yes, wanna see the back boot?
Dan kami pun membuka bonet belakang untuk diorang ni la yang mana dipenuhi dengan peralatan canggih-manggih video kami... haha... :p
And so we showed them the back boot of the car which was filled with our high tech video equipments... lol :p
Mereka semua mengelilingi kereta kami dan mereka perasan yang roadtax kereta kami telah pun tamat tempoh seminggu yang lalu.
They all surrounded our car and they noticed that our car road-tax has already expired a week ago.
Thomas: Road-tax mati?
Thomas: Expired road-tax?
Dedek: Eh, tak perasan pula. Busy sangat dengan kerja sampai terlupa nak renew road-tax. (Ya, itu memang silap kami)
Dedek: Oh, I didn't notice it. I was too busy with my work until I have forgotten to renew my road-tax. (Yes it was our fault)
Thomas: Ini tak boleh ni, ni nak kena saman ni.
Thomas: Like this cannot, I must summon you for this.
Dedek: Kalau begitu, encik saman jerlah
Dedek: If that is so, just go ahead and summon me.
Thomas: So macam mana? Nak saman ke aper???
Thomas: So how? Do you want to be summon or what???
Dedek: Encik saman jerlah, encik kan menjalankan tugas.
Dedek: Just go ahead and summon us sir, you are doing your job.
Thomas: Kita nak saman ni...
Thomas: We are going to summon you...
Dedek: Sukati encik la nak saman (dengan nada ketawa).
Dedek: Up to you to summon me (with laughing voice tone).
Thomas: Apa gelak-gelak? Kitorang bukan suka nak saman.
Thomas: Why are you laughing? We dislike to summon you people.
Dedek: Aper nak buat, encik kan menjalankan tugas.
Dedek: What can I do, you are doing your job, sir.
Sekarang dia tunjuk muka sebenar dia...
Now he is revealing himself...
Thomas: Kamu nak saman ke 'kantau'??? (kantau = rasuah *suatu sebutan Cina yang digunakan oleh golongan Melayu sebagai rasuah)
Thomas: So do you want a summon or 'kantau'??? (kantau = bribe *a chinese phrase which is used by Malays as bribery)
Dedek: Encik saman jer la... duit dalam dompet ader 15 ringgit je ni...
Dedek: Sir, go ahead summon us... I only left RM15 in my wallet now...
Jadi diorang pun saman kami... agak mengelirukan... takder denda pun, terus nak jumpa majistret.
So they gave us this summon... kinda confusing... not a fine, but need to attend the magistrate.
Pastu diorang pun kembalikan kad pengenalan kami dan ahli kumpulan saya sempat lagi mengetawakan saya sebab muka saya kat dalam kad tu terlalu cerah.... tetiba pula seorang polis bantuan marah kat kami dan mengingatkan kami supaya cepat-cepat membaharui cukai jalan kereta kami. Kami langsung tak takut dengan diorang masa tu... 7 orang nak gertak kami bertiga, kalau orang lain bolehlah... sorry yek tuan-tuan polis... haha...
They return back our identification cards and my teammates laughed at my card because my face was too white on it... and suddenly one of the police angrily reminded us to renew our road-tax as soon as possible. We were so not scared at the situation... 7 guys wanted to bully the three of us, if other people maybe they can... so sorry dear sirs... haha...
Pengajaran pada hari itu, kalau nak pandu kereta jauh-jauh, mesti ingat untuk membaharui cukai jalan kereta tu, kalau tak nak kes begini terjadi pada diri anda!
this is serious. this despicable people. Why don't you just get their name and publish it here in your blog. Hua hua.
ReplyDeleteSighz...I have no comment about this bride in our country...coz I am piss off too!
ReplyDeleteWAHAHAHA. OMG POLICE EPIC FAIL! Good job man. hey you take pictures for weddings? x)cool!
ReplyDeleteallaaa... biasala tu.. org BPR pn ada juga minta "coffee" maa.. hehehe.. haish~
ReplyDeleteWhen our country is going to improve with this type of mentality.....
ReplyDeleteBozaki: haha... i can do so but no point bro...
ReplyDeleteuLi: i think u ma have experienced it before rite?
vic: haha... yeah am taking video and photo for weddings and events :)
slayaz: haha... tapi ni ramai bah, kalau meronda biasa kan 2 org ja
falcon: not sure bro, maybe never!
dorang mo cari side income bah tu.. klo ramai2, senang dorang bole gertak orang.. hehee..
ReplyDeletetapi, cuba bayangkan klo dia tahan pompuan, apa yg bakal d minta.. hmm.. seram juga tu..
Bro, this was my encounter back in the year 2008. Sadly I have no time to play along with him. This was the outcome:
Berani kerana benar. I rather do the rite thing.
ReplyDeletetheir saman useless wan la! our police traffik also useless wan la..
CNY oni come cari makan... puik! jahanam la..
That is a summon lah. The meaning of summon is to summon to court but to save the time for the court, once the fine is paid, then it's settled. Unless, u think that you are summoned wrongly and wanted to defend urself in the court. Then u can go to the court to plead not guilty. But in this case, ur road tax really expired, so just pay the fine lor lol. I think they are looking for lubang to minta duit kopi lah. Pura-pura check this and check that.
ReplyDeletetak perlu bawak keta mewah. bawak kancil pun boleh kena pau.
ReplyDelete@slayaz: yalor betul juga… tapi ntahlah jee, diorg ni dah naik gaji masih juga mau bikin kerja haram tu...
ReplyDelete@william: so sad rm50 for nothing!
@mas: yeah berani kerana benar i support!
@dylan: its pertahanan awam bro… yalor… haiz
@simon: yeah i know bro. Thanks!
@hajib: kadang2 tak buat aper2 pun kena ugut polis juga.. haiz
::THanks 4 da comment guys!::
Thomas: So macam mana? Nak saman ke aper???
ReplyDeleteThomas: So how? Do you want to be summon or what???
default-ed conversation
hahaha...:)) bgus...jan terima rasuah.....bgus kc video tu tau...baru htr tu vid d pihak atasan dorg....
ReplyDeleteahah. betul2 kena saman. aku pernah kena gertak mcm ni juga dulu. salahnya memotong dabel line. dia nak minta rasuah tapi aku suruh saman aje.
ReplyDeletelast sekali dia tanya "kota bharu duk mana?"
"Oloh tepi sungai tu jah." kata kawe.
"OOwwhhh.. kawe alah pasir putih. Takpolah, bereh, selamat jalan."
aiyo.. bagi je rm 15 bagi dia..
ReplyDeletetengok dia nak ke tidak..
ini mmg bolahland..
Biler dah culture .... kekadang dah menjadi kebiasaan...kita sebagai orang awam ade pilihan untuk bertindak...
ReplyDeleteMy lecturer skidded his car while turning and one of his wheel broke off.
The point is when he made a report the policeman asked him,
"Are you sure you didn't see a wild animal run across the road?? or there was oil on the road??"
Hehe. At least that police didn't ask for money, he just didn't want to do the necessary paperwork for trafic violations and insurance claims.
They're damn honest.
ReplyDeleteThe ones i met usually hinting but I buat2 tak tau. But at last he din saman. Just gave us a damn long winded and intellectually demoralizing lecture so that the guy at the opposite road can see.
hahaha.. cny so they asking angpou from you. LOL
ReplyDelete@curlybin: huh… true, defaulted script :p
ReplyDelete@bbing: bahaya o klu kasi tunjuk hp rakam diorg… takut diorg pau...
@khairi: kalau saya kata saya dari klang juga? diorg tak sama yek?
@kwongfei: but they got 7 men… can buy what? hahaha…
@jan: that's better than asking money from us jan!
@karen: honest dannng rite… they should try to be the victim themselves next time
@isabell: huh… hari raya we mintak balk from them lor…
Klang police is like that one la...last time I kena b4!! There was an Indian man bullied me at the streets there. He claimed that I scratched his car when he was the one at fault. So he kept yelling at me at the streets and attracted such a crowd. But nobody helped me. I was so damn scared. He doesn't seem to be a civilize man. After he went away, got a chinese man approached me. He told me he is a police and he witnessed everything. That moment I felt very "TULAN" lo!!
ReplyDeletehahaha! this is a very funny post.. cheered me up..
ReplyDeletebut sometimes they rm15 also take wan.. very desperate!
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