Last week on the 24th of August (Sunday), KK city had organized the 3rd year of Heritage Walk (previously was known as 'Walk For Jesus') starting from Padang Bandaran and going around Kampung Air and back to our starting point. Unfortunately, heavy rain was pouring with thunder and lighting striking so without any choice left and we did our prayer in the 'astaka'.
Here are some snap shots I took:
Rain so heavily.....but our hearts were still determined to pray!

A line of pastors and our DBKK local authority head officer.
Come on everyone! We need to pray for all the states in Malaysia!! 7-7-7, 14-14-14~!!!
The musical band by the local police officers, this is quite interesting. Some of them were Malays and so they had to stay until we finish praying. Truly it's a time of change!!!! People! We need to rise UP to save this people!!
I guessed that uncle must be praying really hard for our police officers and government to take responsibility on their duty and not taking any bribe from any party especially during our weakest political time for our country.....
P/S: I know everyone who were there are forced to stay back cause it's raining cats and dogs out there. In conclusion, God did really planned to unite everyone to pray even though that the walk didn't went well as planned by our human strength and wisdom.
God bless you
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