Hi there!
Before I post up the super long food review post for IR1968,
I would like to make a simple introduction about the owner of the restaurant.
IR1968 Indochine Restaurant & Bar
is opened by Debbie Goh and her partner Hudson Chang.
Most of you might have know that Debbie Goh is a winner of 1998 Miss Malaysia Chinese International Pageant but she has also made appearances in various movies such as the famous 'Summer Holiday - Ha Yat Dik Mo Mo Cha" which took place in Kuala Terengganu.
Her latest appearance would be for a Chinese drama produced by a local production company & NTV7 called...
Age of Glory 2 - 情牵南洋
A Chinese drama which the plot fell between 1938 to 1968 now showing in NTV7. It is a local Chinese production which has spent 3 million Malaysian ringgit on the whole episode has been successfully raise up many viewers in Malaysia since the very 1st episode shown in NTV7.
For more info about the drama, do log on http://www.ntv7.com.my/aog2/
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