Sua s'dei!
(it's 'hello' in Cambodian)
Do you all still remember the outing I went with my friend Connie to Subang Parade & Empire Subang Jaya a few weeks ago, she actually brought back a souvenir all the way from Taiwan for me!
Can you guess what it is? Obviously it's stated in my blog entry title.....
So walaaaaa~
Here it is! >..<
The Paul Frank Deck Cards!
The front
The back
Everthing taken out from the box.
Close up shots of the Jokers... I like the guitar one on the left!
Some Aces...
More Aces... :)
Well the rest of the cards are just normal...
I really wanted to thank Connie again for this really cute souvenir that she got for me. It was so thoughtful of her to go out and look around for it again at the store. Frankly, it is a very good collectible item and probably it's good that I don't really use it because the material is a little too soft. It might easily be spoiled if I were to play the 'Heart-attack' game with my friends. Anyway, it is cute and I don't mind to keep them.
After receiving it and I went back home to search for some cool Paul Frank items and I found this.
Eye-ing for this now. Hmmm... this might be a good birthday present for CleverMunkey!
What do you think? *Hint! *Hint!
Before signing off, a message for everyone who is reading my blog...
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