On the 25th of May, I went for the Andrew Netto INKED & APPROVED stand up comedy show which is part of the PJ Laugh Fest 2012 at PJ Live Arts, Jaya One. Since it was a Friday, the traffic jam on that particular evening was more congested than usual and as a fellow Malaysian, I did not want to be late for this and so my girlfriend and I had to skip my dinner and decided to have it after the show hence I am a punctual Chinese person! :P
Our passes for the Andrew Netto INKED & APPROVED. |
We rushed straight to the PJ Live Arts and collected our ticket just in time before the show. Some were seen to be mingling outside the theatre and some were lining up to get their beverages. Around 8.40pm, all of us are called to enter the theatre and be seated. We were seated far back from the stage but thankfully the theatre hall was not big so we still can view anything that happens on stage clearly.
For the opening act, a Singaporean lady by the name of Sharul Channa did a short stand up comedy. Yes, you heard me right, it's a female comedian with a Malay boy name! She was indeed funny with her stories about how her mum wanted her to get married with another Indian and those who were late for the show will be mocked by her! Don't play play...
After that, there were an announcement saying that Andrew Netto has yet to arrive at the PJ Live Arts but he has prepared a short video for us to watch while waiting for his arrival. The video was actually showing him making his way to the theatre and it was very well done. Such a creative and funny entrance video by Andrew Netto.
He talks about his holiday trip to Australia and India, his clubbing experience, his life growing up in a Catholic family with her mum, dad and sister. Then he also shared about him performing for Russell Peter's show recently. I missed that show cause the tickets were all sold out and I can't afford to get those expensive platinum tickets!
Half way through snapping Andrew Netto with my camera, one of the crew asked us to stop taking pictures. Well I guess that he wasn't told that we are bloggers. I need this pictures for my blog post and I supposed this is a good publicity for them.
Overall, Inked & Approved was pretty entertaining and enjoyable. Some of the jokes were racist but it doesn't sound offensive to me. He's very talented and young, I can see that he can go really far if he continues to pursue his career with high determination. Last but not least, I really do hope that this stand up comedy industry can grow positively and our local comedian such as Andrew Netto will gain more and more supporters from time to time.
For updates and information about the upcoming performances and show at PJ Live Arts, visit their website at http://pjlivearts.my/ or follow them at Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/PJLiveArts.
.: Peace Out :.
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