Some may have forgotten that Covid-19 is still around and last week our hospital admissions across all five categories increased by 20% according to FMT's report. Not only that, the risk of flood occurring throughout the country also quite high recently. So in order to keep the community healthy, Lions Clubs International District 308 B2 had recently come up with an initiative to aid the situation.
To benefit charity homes, B40 families, and front line workers, Lions Clubs International District 308 B2 distributed 36,000 tubes of Vitamin C valued RM550.000. The first Vice District Governor, Alan Thoo, stated, "The Cebion Vitamin C with calcium tubes were provided by P&G and we encourage all corporate sponsors to help the people stay healthier throughout this recovery time of the epidemic. More than 20 Lions Clubs from Selangor and Sitiawan began collecting the tubes of Vitamin C in Selangor, where they will be distributed to the less fortunate in each town.
All of the tissues in our body require Vitamin C to develop and repair. It is utilised to create a crucial protein that goes into the creation of blood vessels, skin, tendons, and ligaments. Scar tissue formation and wound healing are both aided by it. Scurvy, a severe Vitamin C deficit, causes anaemia, dry skin and hair, bruising, and gum and tooth issues.
The Lions Clubs from Selangor to Perak, the Cameron Highlands to Penang and Kedah were given the merchandise to distribute this month. It is such a good effort shown by them and hopefully we will be able to grow as a healthier community with lesser illness in future.
.: Peace Out :.
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