Last Saturday after work I rushed off to attend Jayren's birthday celebration at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng, SS2 Petaling Jaya. Again, as expected, the restaurant has a very poor service and the food is... SUCK BIG TIME! I still prefer Kim Gary than this. Anyway, it had come to my realization that everyone who attended are bloggers! So below are the people who attended!
Bottom left to right: Adrian, Jayren the b'day boy, Hitomi, Calvin and Xiao Tong.
Everyone is in the photo minus myself and the latest person to arrive, Jiayeen... better late than never right? :)
My dinner, mayo shrimp with vege & rice plus ice milk tea.
Crappy food... I normally finish my food even when I am already full because I am trained that way by my parents but not this time...
Cheese Baked Rice for Shannon...
I heard bad comment about this from her too.
For Hitomi, XO something something fun... hahaha!
Seems too oily, sorry la we don't wanna get an heart attack so easily.
Edwin's pride, ordered a giant pork chop with rice! :)
He said this was good, for the price RM8.60 before tax might be a good choice.
A photo of Jayren & Jolyn before Jolyn went off...
Edwin fixing Jayren's candle... lolx (kinda obscene huh?)
Happy 22nd Birthday Jayren!
He was praying/wishing that we won't pull a prank on him...
and so we did... here's the proof!
Another prank shot... the flower girl! >..<
The birthday boy and the very charming me. I know I am 'perasan' but compared to last year, I think I look better now (if you read my previous post about why I referred myself use to be tall-dark-handsome).
Okay, he's an UBER HOT BAD ASS for sure! >..<
That's all for now!
P/s: Not recommended to celebrate your birthday at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng.
I received bad service from 1Utama, SS2 and Sunway Giza branch.
What about you?
I received bad service from 1Utama, SS2 and Sunway Giza branch.
What about you?
:: Peace Out ::
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